Care Bear quilt

So I found this pre-quilted quilt @ Walmart that you just have to add the binding too and Tagen LOVES Care Bears so I got it for her for Ostara. well I have been holding on to it since the beginning of March b/c I was having issues with the binding. Well I decided to work on it today and realized the issue with the binding is that since I don't want to cover up all the stars I didn't push it all the way down on the fabric and now the corners won't bend right. :( So I cut the binding into 4 pieces and I totally measured wrong oops. I forgot to account for the extra length the binding would add to the ends! :( oh well looks like I'm going to Walmart tomorrow to pick up some more rainbow binding so I can finally finish Tagen's blanket! At least I have 2 sides done! I will add more pics once I have it finished!


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